Jumat, 05 Desember 2008

Over 1,000 High Quality Domains Stolen

A story is doing the rounds on NamePros, DomainBits, DNForum and Conceptualist about an Iranian hacker who has managed to amass a collection of over 1000 stolen high quality domain names by hijacking email accounts. Examples of domain names stolen in this fashion include: Problems.com, Mistake.com, Enroll.com, Damaged.com, Statement.com, Evaluate.com, UnClear.com …

The guy has setup a “portfolio” on the domain name LuxaryDomains.com and is trying to offload the names at cheap prices. The domains were stolen by hijacking of said domains’ owners mail accounts - most likely with a technique similar to what happened to Sarah Palin’s Yahoo mail account recently.

What can you do to protect yourself? As Sahar of Conceptualist.com rightly points out, make use of registrar features like Moniker’s MaxLock or something similar at other registrars. Also, make sure you do the simple things right - don’t make it easy for the crooks to guess your mail account security questions and change your mail account and registrar passwords often.

Let’s hope these domains are recovered quickly and the crook is held accountable.

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5 Responses to “Over 1,000 High Quality Domains Stolen”

December 3rd, 2008 at 10:01 pm

Scary stuff. Surely there’s something the original owners can do to get their names back?

Looks like the website is down now - wonder why…

December 3rd, 2008 at 10:40 pm

It’s probably down as registrars/domainers have got together to try and stop this crook.

December 4th, 2008 at 11:08 pm

Wow we are in the wild wild west.I guess that we will have to put up are guns.

Email Hacking And How To Protect Your Accounts | Domain Name News | Domain News | Expired Domains
December 5th, 2008 at 10:31 am

[...] last couple of days have seen some major concerns raised over email account security and how secure that makes your domain portfolio. If like many domainers

Hackers Hijacked CheckFree.com | Domain Name News | Domain News | Expired Domains
December 5th, 2008 at 10:32 am

[...] like bad things come in multiples. Just as the domain world learned about the hijacking of hundred’s of domain names a few days ago, we learn that CheckFree.com - the large e-bill payment website - had two of its


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